Hmmm, blogville is anoda crazy world on its own. I av been on since morning and am not seeming to mind. I av been wondering were I waz wen all thousands became blog crazy which i am probably becoming now. I am very alert so as not to miss any blog worthy event...LOL. I av been reading so many blogs since like Sir Scribbles, ExSchoolNerd, AfroBabe, The Agbero, Naija Bad Boy and many others. Everyone I av seen has been very nice, after reading some blogs I felt like I connected with some of them just the same way my mind disappears in a perfect novel. Just want to say Kudos to all of them.
Some randoms things were just happening around me today, while I was trying to feel like a hooked blogvillean(adapted from words like European, Nigerian...), my mumsy decided it was time for me to go on her many errands the style of a typical Nigerian Mother, its time for her first daughter who would be married anytime soon to start taking charge of some duties like going to wuse market to get some food stuff. I almost went crazy cos going to that place was terrible the hold up there was bad for Abuja although I should be used to it I mean I lived in Gidi almost all my life why should my Ajebota side show now. Anyway,she gave me a list with the price of each item beside it(My mum is a typical Ijebu woman who won't let you run anywhere with her extra cash). Anyway I rush in for a quick shower and get going. At the market all those market boys started their pullling and dragging marketing strategy. I was so mad cos it took me almost twenty minutes to get a cab. Alll I wanted was just to get to the food stuff section and run back to my beloved system(It mite not be great but my iTunes library keeps me hooked since my phone got stolen). I felt like killing them but I didn't. I just got what I needed and was just about leaving the market when this fortish man(probably my popc's age) came to me and started speaking some things like that. He said he had seen me in Universting of Abuja(Gwags) and I avnt even been to the place, I just stoodthere waiting for a cab to come by. The man continued his incoherrent speeches with me drifting away. When I finally heard what he was saying it was my number he asking for. I almost craze dere. Imagine this man oh!!! Even if I decide to become an aristo is it old men without cars I ll go for. A cab came along just at that moment and I just rushed in. During the drive home I began to count the number of fortish men that I av encountered and I decided there was probably something about me that attracted them, I am very sure I don't even look old cos many people still think am in sec. school even some of my relatives me this grandmother in Uni am even already a Junior sef and they still attach sec. school me. Back from digressing sha, I finally got home and dropped the stuff in the Kitchen I tell E(Our househelp) to arrange the stuff and ran to my room, mumc didnt even know I was back until she called me(via my temporary calculator excuse for a phone) asking if it was land I was bargaining. Mothers and their attempts at humors. Well it didn't end so bad cos I came back to blogville.
PS: I ajust realized that Naeto C's Superman is so cool. It has been in my iTunes library for almost a year and I just listened to it yesterday.You should listen to it, very nice song.
First off, where do you get your pictures from? pretty nice.
I hate markets myself (or should i just say i hate shopping in general)
lol@ your 'temporary calculator excuse for a phone'
Welcome on board...and i'll look for that NaetoC song (though honestly im not much of a fan)
I just Google them and Photoshop them to my taste. thanks for the warm welcome...
Ok, so I'm 'youtube-ing' Superman..
Let's see what I've been missing.
Is there a chance that there are just more Aristos in Abj??
Or did you get the same amount of attention when you were in Lag'?
there are the same amount evriwere evn in Yola, dose old alhajis.....
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